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Yacht technical management

Yachts operate in an increasingly complex environment of rules, regulations, standards and codes, into which you can add the owner's own expectations of quality, time and cost. The destinations and itineraries involved and periods of use also affect the technical management of the yacht. The captain and chief engineer of a busy yacht have a very demanding workload just running the ship. 

This is where an experienced shore side team is able to take a longer view and can be incredibly beneficial by synchronising and carrying out all essential activities. 

When technical faults recur, it can be seriously inconvenient. Within our team, MML can offer insight from a much wider pool of technical knowledge and can carry our specialist investigations where necessary. We are able to advise owners to consult specialists in areas such as microbiology, noise, vibration, coatings, tribology, thermography, environmental hygiene, materials and height safety. 

We can co-ordinate third party activity to ensure that conclusions are concise, easily-understood and correctly implemented back on the yacht.

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